Jeny Youkhanna
Jeny Youkhanna
Title: Athletic Facilities Technician
Phone: 619-433-4773

Jeny Youkhanna was born and raised in Iraq/Baghdad, she arrived in San Diego in 2011 with her family. Jeny played soccer since she was 6, playing in the streets with friends until she was 13 when she had a chance to join a club. Jeny joined the Iraqi national women soccer team as a professional soccer player when she was 16, she played as a striker and a midfielder. Jeny coached soccer at Coerver soccer academy San Diego, National academy of athletics (soccer and different sports) and Soccer shots. She also practiced at Cuyamaca College in 2019. She played different sports too, basketball, volleyball, track and field at elementary, middle and high school. Jeny got her bachelor degree in computer information and technology back in Iraq, and she just started her journey to Exercise sciences certificate. Jeny is passionate to led our teams with equipment and uniform needs.